Create Unique 3D Packs of Images

Your Cart:

- Responsive Images that Smoothly Resize
- Two Cool 3D Layout Styles
- Auto-Reveal Images on Hover/Tap
- Image Gallery for Mobile & Desktop
- Large Image Auto-Sizes to Available Width
- Image Drop-In, Resource & Warehouse Sources
- Thumbnail Overlap & Reveal Distances
- Sizing of Thumbnail Images
- Title Font, Size, Weight, Style, Color, Background & Shadow Controls
- Close Button Size, Color & Shadow Controls
- Optional Google Font
- Optional Wide View in Edit Mode
- Alt Tag for Resources/Warehouse Images
$20 | Add to Cart

ImagePack Settings
Current Version: 1.1.0
- ➀
Image Style: Select the image style to use
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Max Width: Set the max width for the thumbnail images based on container width
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Title Size: Enter the font size for the title
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Title: Set the title text color
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Title Shadow: Set the title text shadow color
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Title Background: Set the title background color
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Close Size: Enter the font size for the close button
- ➇
Close Button: Set the close button color
- ➈
Close Shadow: Set the close button shadow color
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Font: Set a web-safe font for the text
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Font Weight: Select the font weight for the text
- ➀➁
Font Style: Select the font style for the text
- ➀➂
Use Google Font: Enable to use a Google font for the text - Note: overrides Font, Font Weight & Font Style
- ➀➃
Google Font: Enter name of Google font for the text (No quotes)
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Google Wt: Only enter Google font weight for the text if it's anything other than normal(400)
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Margin Top: Enter a top margin, Note: use to fix image clipping
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Thumb Overlap: Enter the amount of thumbnail overlap distance, Note: larger values bring the images closer together
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Thumb Revealed: Enter the amount of thumbnail overlap distance after hover/tap animation, Note: smaller values push the images further apart
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Show Wide View: Display wide view in Edit mode (Disable for Publish)

ImagePack Image Settings
(Normally hidden in Library - Add using blue plus button)
Current Version: 1.1.0
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Image Source: Select the way you wish to use images
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Image Folders: Select if using Resources or Warehouse - Note: Select 'Not Used' if using Drop In
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Res. Image: Enter path in resources & name for image, Sim. for Whs. Image
- ➃
Alt. Image Text: Enter alternate image text for image
- ➄
Image Title: Enter title for image
Download the ImagePack Demo - and display those 3D images !
Note: 'ImagePack Demo Version' will appear below the stack, but it's fully functional for you to try out.